mediterranean fan palm abbotsford bc

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by abbotsfordpalmman, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. abbotsfordpalmman

    abbotsfordpalmman Active Member

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    Abbotsford Canada
    Hey everyone,

    I live in abbotsford, three years ago I bought some baby windmill palms and they have been doing awesome with some care in the wintertime, I have never had any real damage to them. My yard is really sheltered and I have just planted a mediteranean fan palm. I am willing to give it some major TLC in the winter if needed, should there be any problems?
  2. LPN

    LPN Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Courtenay, Vancouver Island
    These palms are more sensitive to the cold snaps in your region but love the summer heat there. Siting is critical and drainage is paramount during the winter rains. The first year or two seems to be the biggest hurdle. The smaller the palm the more tender it will be. What size did you purchase?

    Cheers, LPN.
  3. abbotsfordpalmman

    abbotsfordpalmman Active Member

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    Abbotsford Canada
    I bought one in a 15 gallon bucket. The mediterranean is about waste high with a trunk of about 1 foot. my windmill palms vary in size but seem to be doing awesome. They are all southerly facing with shelter on all sides except from the south. The mediterranean fan palm which im most worried about it in the best spot in the yard.

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