mealy bugs in cast iron roots

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by milim, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. milim

    milim Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    My Aspidistra elatior is suffering from a severe infestation of mealy bugs. I have treated the leaves with neem oil for a few months and removed any visible insects, but the mealy bugs have infested the soil. Yesterday, I removed the plant from the pot and thoroughly washed it; the rhizomes were coated with mealybugs. Its now potted again in fresh soil, but I believe I need a systemic to control the population.

    What are the most effective options (available in Canada) for controlling mealy bugs in the soil? Although I dislike the prospect of using toxic synthetics, without treatment I will have to discard a plant I have had for a number of years. I am not sure which plant the mealybugs arrived from, but while I can effectively control them on the other species through manual removal and neem, the cast iron serves as too effective of a reservoir for reinfestation.
  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    To get rid of Root-mealy bug I usually make a solution of Horticulture oil (mineral oil) in a deep bucket. Submerge the pot,with plant in it, into the mixture and let the water rise up to the soil surface, then remove and let it drain. Repeat this once a week for 3-4 weks to maek sure the mealy bugs are gone. I use this method at the greenhouse I work in and it is very effective.
  3. milim

    milim Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Thanks so much for the tip. I am making the solution tonight.
  4. namawa

    namawa Active Member

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    MW USA
    Just curious....are you planning on using your Neem oil for the solution that James described?

    In the past, I'd read quite a bit of information on the Internet about Neem oil being used as a systemic by 'watering it in' to your plants.

    Sorry I can't recall where I found that info...but I think I did a search using 'neem oil systemic' or something like that

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