I have a number of large mature cedar trees. All of them are showing rows of horizontal holes, made by some burrowing insect. In all cases its about 10-12'/4m off the ground. Here's a really bad picture, but maybe someknows what the problem and cure is. a/Should I be concerned? b/Can anyone tell from this description if its lightly to kill the trees? c/Is there a treatment? Tx
Thanks for the prompt reply. We do have Woodpeckers occasionally, but think I would have heard them create this amount of holes. If I managed to take a better photo, would that help confirm it, or could it still be something else? Tx again. John
Tx, I looked up the Sap Suckers, it appears from the map they don't get to WA state or anywhere on the West Coast very often. The holes they creat are much larger. I know my photo is terrible, but holes are around 1/8" max. John
Don't know about the hole size but the bird has occurred here for years. I just saw one some days ago.
Well that must be it then, thanks for the information. I haven't been able to get a good shot of the cedar because of the height and location. But here's a clear shot of tree with same symptoms about 40feet away. Not sure what sort, but its type of maple that keeps its leaves all throughout winter until spring. Machog