Our property 2 hours north of Toronto has hundreds of healthy cedars growing beside our pond and river. One of our favourites is 70' tall, 30+" dia. situated in a quite dry location beside our cottage. It has developed a shaggy, red quality to the bark which the other trees don't have, and it's foliage is thinner. This cedar sees alot of red, grey and black squirrel action because of a birdfeeder. We've also had very little precipitation this winter but the others trees all seem happy. Thanks for any information.
Juniperus virginiana? You say the spot is dry, have you been getting in on that unseasonably hot weather the eastern US has had recently? Maybe that is the problem.
Needs some photos. Very unlikely to be cedars in Toronto, they are not hardy there, and have grey, fissured bark, not red, shaggy bark.