Mass cane plant dying

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Amelia Shaw, May 2, 2019.

  1. Amelia Shaw

    Amelia Shaw New Member

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    About a year ago I left my plant with my sister while I was in Europe. And unfortunately when I came back it was completely water logged and the leaves were turning brown and the green ones had a sort of foggy haze on them. I'll insert pictures. I re-potted the poor thing and let it dry out in dry soil for about a month. After which I did very minimal watering and it seemed to be doing really well. It was growing big new green leaves. And it continued to grow till about a month ago

    At this point I had it in a very scheduled watering "program" for about 8 months and it was once a week and (while this might not be helpful) one large mason jar of water. I live in colorado and its been really dry and the soil is able to completely dry out and be dry for about a day to two days before I water again for the next week.

    I kept some of the leaves from when became water logged as they were still pretty healthy looking but this last month they've been turning brown and falling off. I thought this was normal as they already weren't the healthiest and I was anticipating this anyways. What I wasn't anticipating was where all the leaves come out of, it was turned black and now in one of those spots all the leaves are dying or already dead. At first I thought it was fungal so I snipped the "bad" leaves off to prevent it from spreading but now they seem to all be dying.

    And now the other "stock" of leaves at the beast has turned black. The actual stock itself has gotten dryer feeling and as though it is paper. I don't know what to do and its progressesing pretty fast.

    What should I do? What seems to be the problem? And should I take him out of the pot to see the roots? I don't want him undergoing too much more stress here but I don't know what to do.

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  2. jor

    jor New Member

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    I just signed up today and I see you have issue with your cane. My issues are different, but does the owner of the site not give any information? I need help now as you did.
    How and has anyone emailed you with any help? This may not be the site for me. I am first timer to use site. Thank you.
  3. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The base of each of the two top stems is dead. There is no choice but to cut them off and try to propagate them. Remove the black, dead portion at the bottom; you may want to also remove part of the remaining green stem in search of relatively healthy material. The main stem is probably beyond saving given what is seen up top. I would take it out of the container and inspect the condition of the roots. Does the stem feel solid when when tapped or otherwise?

    UF > IFAS > MREC > Apopka - Dracaena Production Guide

    You should start a new thread for your plant. Post photos if possible.

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