March 13, 2015 - Four little yellow flowers, two little white flowers

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    In 2013, on March 26, I posted a lot of what I'm posting today, so these are only two weeks earlier. Starting with the first plant I looked at, here is Cephalotaxus harringtonia. It happens to have little yellow flowers, but it's the leaves I like.
    20150313_UBCBG_CephalotaxusHarringtonia_Cutler_P1160521.JPG 20150313_UBCBG_CephalotaxusHarringtonia_Cutler_P1160525.JPG

    Berberis sanguinea
    has little yellow flowers, but its exciting feature is those impressive spines.
    20150313_UBCBG_BerberisSanguinea_Cutler_P1160698.JPG 20150313_UBCBG_BerberisSanguinea_Cutler_P1160701.jpg 20150313_UBCBG_BerberisSanguinea_Cutler_P1160704.JPG

    Corylopsis pauciflora
    20150313_UBCBG_CorylopsisPauciflora_Cutler_P1160535.JPG 20150313_UBCBG_CorylopsisPauciflora_Cutler_P1160537.JPG

    Lindera praecox
    20150313_UBCBG_LinderaPraecox_Cutler_P1160684.jpg 20150313_UBCBG_LinderaPraecox_Cutler_P1160682.jpg 20150313_UBCBG_LinderaPraecox_Cutler_P1160688.JPG

    On to white. I'm posting Mukdenia rossii because I never got to see flowers on the Mukdenia I plainted.
    20150313_UBCBG_MukdeniaRossii_Cutler_P1160605.JPG 20150313_UBCBG_MukdeniaRossii_Cutler_P1160608.jpg

    The flowers are nice on the Petasites japonicus var. giganteus.

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