Hi D, Do you mind posting a pic of the graft union of your orange lace? I find most orange lace stocks in the UK sold as rooted cuttings. I am quite surprised that Crocus offers grafted ones. Thanks, TY
Pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum having a strange two tone year, I hope it's alright. Crimson Queen, as beautiful as ever.
Mine hasn't even leafed out yet lol. This could be a strange year after all the rain. The water tables are the highest they have been in decades, so some trees are going to show some differences I think.
Evening sunshine so a few more to add from me. Filigree x2 Osakazuki x2 Momoiro Koyasan x2 Shindeshojo x2 Mr Sun x2
Just saw this looking nice in my garden as the sun starts to go down this evening. Shigitatsu sawa and Beni otake behind
So many beautiful photo's from all of you. Although I don't need the latest phone, I am tempted just for the better camera resolution features All the winter stored container maples now back on guard duty thru out the gardens, Just a few remaining to compliment the roses, herbs and veggies. And the occasional happy hour of course
Always a fan of your youtube uploads!!!! I just got a new phone... iPhone 15 (base model, first base model iphone to have 48 mega pixels) upgrading from a iPhone SE which is basically an iPhone 7. I didn't need to upgrade aside from the battery not holding a charge.... but I'm glad I did. When I pull out my old phone it feels like the stone age and it's hard to see things on it and even type. Food for thought.
@Otto Bjornson same as Connor, a big fan of your maples and music YouTube channel. Subscribed of course. You remind me of Bob Ross, how laid back you are.
The sun is shining again, so more of my trees are leafing out. Thought I would keep these few topical. Green Trompenburg x2 Coral Pink x2 Beni Maiko x2 Chantilly Lace x 2 Villa Taranto Sunset x2 Koyuki x2
Gah. Welcome to my rabbit hole. So, thanks for the rooted cutting info on Orange Lace, that confirms the van Son & Koot origin (if any were needed). Introduced in 2021, But, I don't have 'Extravaganza' on the list at all. Though I know about the cv, basically. Help please, people. Can anyone tell me the origin and date of introduction? Any sort of link to corroboration would be wonderful. TIA. -E
This is nice, coffee outside in the garden before the world wakes up. And lovely Spring maple leaves to enjoy. Tsuma beni x2 ( red fingernails just appearing) Summer Gold x2 (Just waking up) Lileeanne's Jewel x2 Sazanami x2
'Extravaganza' (PBR) is another Van Son & Koot, I couldn't find the introduction date or the "true" cv name, if there is one. Every year I let a few tens of thousand sycamore seedlings grow, until I can see some interesting ones. Here are some of this year's crop. I also did a few trays from 'Prince Camille de Rohan', but not seeing a single variegated one there! I guess it's a mugs game, just no way to get the sheer numbers required from trays. Oh well, understock.
On the theme interesting seedlings, here is one griseum (hybrid?) in its second year leafing out. One of the pictures is a comparison with a sibling growing in the same pot.
Thanks D! The first year of its life was very sad. This is all that it managed to do from germination to early summer, later on the couple of “true” leaves turned green. It is in a large pot with very acidic clay soil that houses a large Cornus mas seedling. Never really paid much attention to it, but it somehow survived with several other typical griseum seedlings.
It is surprising what they will survive in. It seems that nature knows what to do. Now isn't that a shock !!!
This is the advert from Hippopottering, so I think it is a marketplace name to entice people to buy. ACER PALMATUM EXTRAVAGANZA (FORMERLY KNOWN AS L'ILLE ANNES JEWEL) https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc....nym-27-458-665-786.100241/page-31#post-407631
Thanks Derek, I don't guess she has it quite right, she may be talking about 'Lileeanne's Jewel' and the name got corrupted somehow, that maple was named for the daughter of the guy who found it. Extravaganza certainly looks similar, and I did find one Czech site where they say Extravaganza is the Trade name under which Van Son and Kot [sic] introduced the maple into Europe. Which is odd, given that Dick van der Maat (and hence Pat, one assumes) has been selling it as Lileeanne's Jewel! In any case, if they are indeed the same, and Van Son & Koot bought the PBR for Europe (could be!), then the cultivar is still called 'Lileeanne's Jewel', for which 'Extravaganza (PBR)' is a synonym. I'm not sure if anyone else besides Van Son & Koot (who will no doubt flood the marked with cuttings) is required to use the Trade Name, though they would be required to pay VS&K in order to propagate it. I bought one from Maillot last year (May) as Lileeanne's Jewel. The Czech site -- who has the correct origin story, btw -- says Extravaganza was introduced in EU in 2019, my maple would have been grafted in 2021. -E