I'm wondering if there are some interesting maples which might be either endemic or available from nurseries in Hong Kong or the surrounding area? I tried a quick google but didn't have much luck. Thanks in advance, -E P.S. keep in mind that "interesting" to me means species unusual for the west, even if not normally considered decorative!
Even if you found any, it's unlikely you'd be able to import any to Europe as anything other than seed - regulations have tightened up now (though too late to prevent Asian Longhorn Beetle Anoplophora glabripennis getting here, sadly)
you know that document: http://homepage2.nifty.com/chigyoraku/E-repo4.html http://homepage2.nifty.com/chigyoraku/Etop11.html http://mohsho.image.coocan.jp/Echina05.html
@opusoculi, I do indeed know those excellent pages! I was hoping for maybe a little more local info, from someone who had visited some nurseries there. Michael, yes indeed. We get bi-annual inspection from the gubbmint for the beetle. Horrible beastie. Curiously, it appears to be completely forbidden to bring any plants to France, whereas you can bring up to 5 through British customs... Ah, the EU fringe! :) Actually, if I can come up with interesting seed to point my contacts at, that would do quite well too. cheers, -E
It would be laborious, but if you have time to go through all the Acer entries (or all the species you find interesting) in Flora of China @ efloras.org it lists the native geographical range for each entry.