Hello, I have some questions regarding maple trees that I was hoping someone could help with. I planted two red maples and one silver maple solely on the advice of my local Garden Centre. I have been doing research online and realize that I didn't have all the information I needed. I planted one red maple approx 20 feet from the house and around 14 feet from our patio. My first question is whether this is going to create root problems in the future? Should I have picked a farther location. I planted the silver maple approx 25 feet from the house. Is this too close? Lastly, how close together can I plant red maples? I have a friend suggesting I should get another red maple for the front of the house. The only sensible location to plant it would be about 17 feet away from the existing tree. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I think this spacing will be okay. Especially where the red maples are concerned. They often grow quite close together in natural woodland settings. The silver maple, I'm not so sure. I think these have fairly greedy and wide-spreading roots. But 25 feet sounds like probably a safe distance.
for red maple choise one cultivar like October Glory ,remain small than rubrum subsp.rubrum(red maple) for planting advice read in faq "how to plant a maple" ciao