Maple in mountain tropical Indonesia

Discussion in 'Maples' started by zlamet, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. zlamet

    zlamet Member

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    semarang, indonesia
    Hi, I live in central java, Indonesia. Does sugar maple or Japanese maple can grow and experience the loss of leaves in Indonesia which has an altitude of 2000 meters above the sea with an average temperature of 15-20 ° C and at the venue could have been cultivated commercially grown apple, persimmon, strawbaerry. Examples of such places is the town of Batu Malang, and the Dieng Plateau (Dieng is an active volcanic area and can be said is a giant volcano with a crater crater. The average height is about 2.000m above sea level. Temperature range 15-20 ° C in daytime and 10 ° C at night. in the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in the morning and bring frost)
    In these places have been growing native maple species Acer Laurinum and various species of Fagaceae (Quercus, castana) but they are evergreen
    is there someone who can tell me about it? thank you
  2. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    If temperatures get down to around 0°C, then there is maybe enough chilling to trigger dormancy in some deciduous maple species. This forum contains a wealth of information and there have been some threads discussing the subject of our question. I recall some contributions from people with experience growing maples in zones 9-10 in Florida and Australia. I suggest you do a forum search to see if you find what you want.


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