So, I have this seedling from an MS seed exchange, I think it was in a "mixed palmatum" bag, but could have been one of those from other bags that didn't germinate and that I sewed together in a pot. But is it ( acultivar of) palmatum, amoenum, or another Acer species ?... Or an un-recorded hybrid ? Holy Graal !!! ;-)
Let's hope so Alain, I've had seedlings over the years that I thought might be a new variety, only to see in subsequent years that they turned out quite ordinary. But my fingers are firmly crossed for yours. I don't know the answer to your question on what it is btw. Quite useless I know, lol.
That's very true, but sometimes a seedling can have at least some of the characteristics of the parent tree, like red bark on 'Sango kaku', cork-bark on 'Arakawa', not to mention red lace-leaf ones. Like for kids, knowing the parents often helps to know how to handle them, if you permit me that ethnocentrist comparison from a retired teacher... ;-D
Hi Alain, this is a really attractive seedling. It reminds me a little bit of A. sieboldianum 'Shoryu no tsume' (which I remember as "Sure, you no sue me."). I suspect you "sowed" (semer) them, rather than sewing them! Hope you will permit me. The plant could equally easily come from palmatum, sieboldianum, oliverianum, etc. Whatever it's lovely and if it has good call color, and keeps these characteristics, you will be on to a real winner. FWIW I often mark seedlings with the parent's name (if known) e.g. "né Kinran"
Oops... Well, ahem... I should have knewed, huh huh... "... My mother sewed those new blue-jeans (House of the Rising Sun - in spite of my arthritis getting worse, I should still be able to strum it...) As I said, I think it was from a bag of "mixed palmatum" so it's impossible to know the praent tree. Anyway I will pay a particular attention to this one, I find it very delicate, and humble, modest but very elegant. Just like me. Think I'll call it 'Mr K.' ;0)