Majesty plam care advice?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by na1mcg, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. na1mcg

    na1mcg Member

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    Vienna, Austria
    I've just been given a Majesty Palm for my birthday - it is big, about 6 feet at the moment.

    I live in an apartment so of course I plan to keep it in doors - living in Vienna it couldn't survive outdoors through the winter anyway.

    I'm a little sad to read the information on this forum as it sounds like my palm will slowly die. Our living room does have floor to ceiling windows so is very light. Therefore, I'm going to try my hardest to keep it alive for as long as possible. If it survives the winter I can move it to our shared terrace next summer.

    So to my questions:

    All the posts say it likes a lot of water - what exactly does this mean - every day, every couple of days, once a week?

    I guess quick draining soil (mine looks like the soil consists mainly of organic fibres) means don't let it sit in water once you have watered it?

    Thanks for your advice!

  2. Greenchic

    Greenchic Member

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    Maryland, US
    i would try to make sure my watering matched the amount of light a plant is getting. if a plant is summering outdoors of course it needs a good watering very often. indoors, there is less drying sunlight and wind, so watering can be less than an outside plant.

    There are lots of palms that can handle the climate indoors. im haveing great success with a bamboo palm which is almost 6 feet, thick and bushy and grows pretty fast on light from a north window.

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