What would be used or good to tie my majesty palm? It needs just a little support. I have noticed that my Broomeliad has a pup growing, however it is in the center not off to the side like I thought or have read. Do I wait until it gets have the size to plant it on it's own?
I have found grafting tape to be excellent tie off material as it's strong, gives flexibility and will stretch if the plant grows fast, eventually degrading over time. Tie loosely so your plant doesn't come to rely on it's supports to hold it up. With your bromeliad I would give it a chance to get some growing done before removing. I used to propagate a few of these guys and found the most of them failry hardy and able to withstand pretty rough treatment when splitting. It's best to let the pups develop some size as it means they are more established and less likely to die on you. If you take them off too early especially in Guzmania the pups may just rot or take a long time to do anything. Hope this helps:}