I see that this tree is a topic of discussion haha... Well, I bought mine a couple of weeks ago and it seemed to be doing fine but now the bottom frauns are drooping and the tips are brown. It's on my front porch where it receives direct sun during the day. I've been watering it almost every day since I noticed browning, as well as misting the frauns twice a day. I live in Alabama where it's fairly hot and humid (70-100%, generally) so I think that the plant can make it in this climate. I'm new to plants, period, but I think that I'm seeing roots sticking out on top. Should I replant it? I also have a Lantana, which I repotted in a bag of soil from the Dollar Tree (which I'm pretty sure is nothing but dirt from someones back yard), yet it's doing great. But from what I've read, Majesty palms are finicky about soil (and everything?), so what brand is recommended? How much drainage does it need? How many inches of gravel should I put beneath the soil? Is it possible to plant it in sand? Should I leave the frauns with browning tips or remove them? Do you remove them from the base? When should I fertilize? What with? Also, could someone confirm that this sad little tree is a Majesty? I acquired it much like everyone else did, from Walmart for 10 bucks... and it just said "Palms Assorted". The tag also says that it's tolerant, and only needs watering once a week- lol! On the bright side, it wasn't marketed as a house plant. So I'm really just guessing that it's a MP. Thank you!
Your palm looks like Phoenix roebelenii also know as Pygmy Date Palm. This palm would not be cold hardy for your area. It looks like it could use a larger pot. Most palms need fairly good drainage, so getting a good potting mix with that would be a good idea.
Ohh, yes that does look like it. When I got it, I went to the supplier's website and googled each palm variety that they carry. I probably looked over the Phoenix because it has that big trunk in most photos. Also, it has sharp needles at the base; is that just a general palm thing or unique to the Pb? I do plan to bring it in during the winter- what is the lower temperature it can tolerate? Could the brown tips be caused by the pot being too small? I went ahead and replanted it yesterday. Put a couple inches of river rocks in the bottom, and bought Miracle Grow potting soil for Cactus/Palms. Is full sun/partial shade proper? Should I be watering the plant less if it is a Phoenix? It does seem much better since I started watering it very often, but I read that these are very drought resistant. True? Should I still remove the brown frauns (mainly the one in the photo)? Thanks! I'm guessing that this makes a much better patio plant than a Majesty.
Many palms have thorns or spines so be careful. Phoenix palms can have some nasty ones. I would advise bringing your palm in before it is exposed to temperatures below freezing. Not sure what would be causing the brown tips and t could be any number of things. Sun or part shade should be fine. Don't let the soil stay soggy nor let it dry out too much. I would let the top 2-3 inches get dry in between water once it is established in the pot. For now it should be kept moist. The dead parts can be trimmed off or left.
That thing needs a upsize to a bigger container! They look great when full grown. I've seen them around here with 4ft of clear trunk. Probably a basketball thick, dark grey trunk base. They're stout when full grown. They do love water, you can't overwater or over fertilize them. I do 13-13-13. I've got around half a dozen of them around here... Some in full sun, some in shade... ALOT faster in full sun BTW. ~LCA.
I replanted it right after making this post. It's doing a lot better... I'll take your advice and water it plentifully. What does 13-13-13 mean? And what do you fertilize with?
It's a fertilizer that comes in a red canister from your orange bigbox store. I think it's called Dynamite. Sprinkle some of that time-released fert on it and you'll be in good shape... 13-13-13 indicates the NPK ratio of those said ferts/nutes. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (NPK) I buy 40lb bags of palm ferts now, so I haven't messed with the canisters in quite awhile... But they do still carry it, I've seen it there recently... Yeah, you can't really over-water these... They like the water. ~LCA.
Oh, that's not a Ravenea rivularis BTW. Dylans on fire with the roebelenii. Prickly lil rascal.. And they ARE very drought tolerant... In fact, I tried killing mine by not watering it a whole summer, and it still prevails... I've since decided to let it grow out... ~LCA.