Hello, Sadly, a garden that I maintain on Bowen has suffered quite badly in the recent wind storms and the worst casualty is a splendid pink flowering magnolia that stands 30 feet tall and has about the same spread. It has suffered a split on the main trunk. I haven't seen it yet (posting this on behalf of my client) but wondered if anyone knew of an experienced arborist (magnoliorist?) that either lives on or will work on Bowen Island? (small island in British Columbias Howe Sound for those of you not from the Pacific North West) All help gratefully received........... Here are some shots of it in perfect condition:
the esteemed Julian Dunster lives on Bowen. not sure if he wants to do the physical part of the work but I am sure he would be happy to do the consulting part. If you need a contractor to do some work on it, send me a private message and we can discuss it.
Paul, Many thanks for that. I'll pass on Julians name and if it results in work that he doesn;t want to do, I will surely put my client in touch with you, I appreciate your referral MXB