Hello All On a walk today, I stumbled upon this diminutive Mahonia. I checked E-flora of BC and there is no record of M. repens on Vancouver Island. Could this be another Mahonia? We have M. nervosa and M. aquifolium here Plant colony found in Cumberland. There are a few plants scattered away from this main clump. I would very much appreciate any thoughts. Thanks!
Leaves look like good Berberis aquifolium to me. I'd like to see the undersides to be sure: The Native & "Native Adjacent" Mahonias: Why We Love All Four! — Native Plant Salvage Foundation for a comparison of leaves.
Hello @Daniel Mosquin — I am curious which Mahonia is common in Okanagan The WSU article (in my quick read) is really helpful It is likely a silly question because I don’t have a photo of my Okanagan nr penticton natural mahonia (can’t go there right now covid health region borders) I always thought one mahonia is short and the other is tall - but that seems incorrect based on what I read in article you linked Thank you
They used a picture of an Asian origin kind such as Mahonia x media for the flower shot of Berberis nervosa at the linked to article from WSU - apart from the different flowers compare the leaflet shape with that shown in the leaf comparison study near the top of the same page. Apart from that aquifolium and repens appear together on this key: Berberis in Flora of North America @ efloras.org