Magnolia with purple petels, the big petal 13 cm long and 7.5 cm wide, easy to see and still young in Vancouver this week in recently years.
Possibly this one, due to the Magnolia sprengeri reddish-pinkness of the one flower combining with the largeness of the tepals and the flopping of the older flowers coming from M. sargentiana var. robusta. And it being one that has been on the general market in this region. Except it looks a bit too blue in the habit photo. One or two similar cultivars said to have stronger coloring are on lists, haven't seen them myself. If your plant is one of these then that could explain the general similarity but somewhat different tinting. Many different deciduous magnolia hybrids have been selected and named. If it weren't that only a small percentage of these make it into general garden centers identifying found examples like this with assurance could be more or less beyond reach.
Wrong branch structure and coloring, flower structure for saucer magnolia. And although listed as such by some vendors [Black Tulip] = 'Jurmag1' is not of that parentage, produces short, erect flowers of an almost blackish red - hence the trademark name.