A friend has just bought a Magnolia kobus (Betty) and would like some information about hardiness, planting instructions, preferred light conditions, soil, watering, etc. Can someone offer advice? Louis.
Likely it is the hybrid 'Betty', a cross between M. kobus var. stellata x M. liliflora. Plenty of sun, well drained moist soil. Has shallow, fibrous roots, likes moisture and good soil. Could mulch and keep the slugs off. Would allow sufficient growing space to avoid transplanting and keep future leaf litter in mind in regards to underplanting.
Allow for 15 ft. or more eventual spread. Nearly all hardy magnolias are large-growing, even the smallest ones (such as the Kosar and De Vos Hybrids, which this is one of) are large-growing shrubs. Apart from slugs another problem that may appear on new, small magnolias is lilac blight (Pseudomonas). This causes blackening and shriveling of affected parts. Appropriate sprays may be required if it appears and becomes bothersome.