Hello all. When i was younger i bought this Magnolia and another of the same species for myself and my grandmother. Problem is that was years ago. Now i cant remember what species it is!. Im looking to find another like it and for that i need the name. Any help would be great. Thanks.
White outer petals with deep pink inside. I should have tryed to get a picture when i bloomed this spring but i hadnt found this forum yet lol.
If you want to look at pictures some very common ones are M. x soulangeana, M. liliiflora and the Kosar and De Vos Hybrids from the US National Arboretum (there is a page on these last with color pictures at the USNA web site). All of these are represented in commerce by multiple selections. In addition, numerous other similar magnolias have been put on the market. To get anywhere here you would really need to put up pictures of the whole shrub and its flowers as well as the leaves.