I purchased a small Magolia coco at Fairchild's annual plant sale in Miami last year. I am in S. Florida (Ft. Lauderdale). I repotted it in Promix HP (standard peat based mixed), gave it a little Osmocote fertilizer, gave it ocassional compost tea, put it on my patio (bright but shade) and kept the soil moist. At the beginning of last winter, the leaf tips started turning brown, then slowly, one by one, they fell off. Mostly all or maybe even all of them fell off (about 20 in total). Then, in spring, new leaves started sprouting, and we got around 10 of them or so. Recently, I started noticying the brown curling of the leaf tips again, and I am afraid that it will loose its leaves again, and maybe die. Any help? Does it need more sun, or less water? Or any fertilization suggestions? Picture: http://www.pavones.com/tmp/magnolia_coco_tip_burn.jpg Thanks! Jeremy
I am having the same problem. I fertilized the tree with iron but still the edges turn brown and the leaves fall off. I am sorry you have this problem but it is comforting to know that someone else has the same problem.