There is something on the branches of our magnolia bush. It's round, white and when scraped off wet and a bit slimy (YUK!). Whatever it is, started within the past 2-3 weeks. It also appears that there's something sticky on (some of) the leaves. We live in Michigan-USA, it's been rainy, hot, then cool and now hot. The bush was planted in an area about 3-feet wide, between a sidewalk and next to garage. It receives a north-eastern light, is about 5-years old and has for the most part, been very healthy. It (she) was planted in honor of my mother, who also grew magnolias. She has beautiful blossoms in the spring, which we eagerly await each year. I would like to use something "green" to help her, but what? And, if there is nothing natural, what do I do? HELP!
Scale of some kind. Maybe Google " Magnolia scale". Also . Some control measures here . Not totally green ,but may help. The sticky stuff would be excretions, referred to as honeydew, from the scale insects.