Magesty Palm- HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by morrell, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. morrell

    morrell Member

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    I bought a magesty palm about 3 months ago. It was doing great until I moved to a new home. Within one week it lost most of its fonds. First they droop then they turn brown. It is happening so fast. A few days ago I transplanted it and gave it some miracle grow but I don't know if I should be doing something else too. I understand some plants don't like to be moved but I would really like to save it if I can. I love my plants and can not stand to see them die, at least not without a fight. My state is not ideal for the majesty but I try to make the environment as conducive as possible. Any advice would be so appreciated. I know very little about this plant and all the research I have done is contradictive. Thank you.
  2. Carol Ja

    Carol Ja Active Member 10 Years

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    Salt Spring Island
    What are the chances that you can come close to duplicating the enviroment it was in in your previous home? Are you watering it the same amount as before, and it is getting less light (drowning)? It could be that it is to late if it is suffering rot root.

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