Does anyone know what would happen if I cut the top off the Madagascar Palm and stuck it in the soil? I'm asking because it's over 5' tall, plus the pot, and the top of it is over the window and it does get as much light as it should so it's getting spindlely. Would it root or damage the main plant?
Are you are talking about a dracaena marginata, "Madagascar Dragon Tree"? One or more new branches will form below the cut on the main stem, and yes you can grow the top as a cutting. Cutting it is a good idea actually. Good luck! Michael PS, If you are talking about a different plant then I have no idea ;)
the Madagascar palm I am refering to is a "Pachypodium lamieri". It's a succulent, unbranched, spiny, topped with a circle of strap-shaped leaves 10 in. long, 1 in. wide.
Supposedly, you can cut the trunk, let the bottom scab over and repot in a sandy or vermiculite heavy medium, but that's just what I've heard. I've had one planted in the ground here in central Florida for about five years and completely ignore it, with it now being about seven feet tall and with two major trunks and a third sprouting from one side. Good Luck. Mike