Macadamia tree has too much stress what to do please help

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Sandra Meissnest, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Sandra Meissnest

    Sandra Meissnest New Member

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    delray beach florida
    Hello I bought last week to Macadamia trees the lady didn't told me I should have not left it in the car. so the tree was about 45 minutes in the car with with closed doors in the sun in South Florida super hot when I came home the tree was Brown 90% of it my question is will it survive what should I do please any help would be really grateful also I thought as well a bay leaf tree in turned as well Brown thanks for any input
    Beste regards

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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I'm sorry no-one is answering this, as I'd be interested to know. I would be encouraged that there are still some green leaves and just wait for a while to see if there will be new growth. I don't even know how long that would be - a few months maybe. If it is not root-bound, I wouldn't even repot it yet, as that would be more stress. If the area where the leaves are green gets new leaves, and the other area does not, then I would cut back the apparently dead area and plant it out. Unless you don't like the look of what is remaining, in which case, maybe chalk up that expense to education, and start over.
    I have no actual experience with your situation.
  3. Sandra Meissnest

    Sandra Meissnest New Member

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    delray beach florida
    Hello thank you so much for your input I'll just water it and keep it in the shade and wait what's going on thank you again

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