M. Grandiflora winter damage

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by LucieW, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. LucieW

    LucieW Member

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    North Vancouver
    I live in North Vancouver and planted a Magnolia Grandiflora last spring. It did well through the summer and fall but was damaged by our severe winter weather. All the leaves are brown and in various stages of falling off and the distal 4 inches or so of all the branches have also been damaged - they are brown and look dead. The tree itself I believe is OK, but I am wondering what to do about the damage to the tree, particularly the ends of the branches - should they be pruned? Will there be enough new growth that the tree will recover aesthetically? I am concerned as it was meant to be an evergreen but now has no healthy leaves.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Normally hardy in this region. Sounds like you should try again with another one. Maybe you bought an unnamed seedling that turned out to be more cold-sensitive than usual or there was some other unusual circumstance that resulted in an abnormal amount of damage, such as late planting or an especially cold, exposed position.

    This hot climate tree likes a sunny, sheltered position here. Even then, snow breakage can be a problem. Compact selections like 'Victoria' and 'St Mary' are more less prone.

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