Hello everyone. I inherited this plant from the former resident of my office... she lost the plant tag, and has no idea of the name, except that she thinks it had "chinese..." in the name. Any help would be great in ID'ing it. My wife thinks it may be some kind of hybrid Ficus, but houseplants are her kryptonite and she's really not sure. Thanks much!
that's a china doll plant. should be in indirect light - medium brightness. well-draining soil that should be kept slightly moist - not soggy, just slightly wet. this one will get 'leggy' so pinch back the new growth occassionally to keep it bushy. looks to be fairly healthy! if it hasn't been repotted in a couple of years, now would be the time to do it (repotting should occur every two-three years). container should have a drain hole...that looks like clay that it's in now - that would cause the soil to dry out too quickly. if you don't mind watering more often, keep it in clay. otherwise, put it in glazed clay or plastic (you can stick the plastic pot in a larger decorative container to hide the plastic).
Thanks much! That may explain why I feel like I'm giving it water on a daily basis. It is in nice shape, but when I "inherited" it, half of it was completely dried out. whew... mystery solved. Thanks again!