Someone gave me a Loquat seedling (approx. 5') Has anyone successfully grown one in their garden, in the lower mainland? Any advise would be much appreciated.
Can anyone direct me as to where I can by a loquat tree? my father had them growing up in Greece and has been looking for one for years. thanks
I bought some loquat fruits yesterday from T&T Supermarket, I am going to attempt to grow the seeds, and put some out in my garden now that I know it's possible to grow these outside here in the lower mainland!
One down side to growing these Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) in the PNW is the autumn flowering and fruit set. Rarely will the flowering faze produce fruit set. As well Loquat is related to the rose family and can develop black spot on the leaves. Fireblight is a lesser problem unless we have a wet rainy summer (not often the case). Wet snow loads can break tree limbs. There are at least a dozen varieties with different colorings in the fruit, time of ripening, quality etc. Cheers, LPN.
There is a healthy looking specimen near my house and it made it through this rough winter fine, but I have never seen any fruit on the tree.