Identification: Looks like a heap of buns

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by David Tang, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. David Tang

    David Tang Active Member

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    Richmond, BC
    Again, pointed out by David Wong to me.
    On the side of a stump away from the trail (they
    always have the habit of growing on the side
    away from view). Colour and texture looks
    like small buns heaping one upon the other.
    Kindly ID please.

    Attached Files:

  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Good observation - I had not noticed that but will pay attention in future as to what side they appear, you never know what we might discover is going on there!
    Useful diagnostic shot of the gills. Can you see evidence of spore colour for this species, in all three photos?
    Cluster habit, habitat and spore colour are the starting points for this one.
    I'm fairly sure this is Hypholoma capnoides the Smoky-gilled wood lover, which strongly resembles and often grows near to Hypholoma fasciculare or Sulphur Tufts.
    It has been flourishing this year, which surprised me as Sulphur tufts are usually more dominant: I frequently mistake one for the other, for that reason of my own "expectation-bias."
  3. David Tang

    David Tang Active Member

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    Richmond, BC
    Actually I shot the one plucked by David Wong 2-3 days ago, and it's
    still fresh enough. So I didn't pluck another !

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