Dear Friends, Some of my colleagues at work and I are talking about starting a community garden nearby our office. We work in the Faculty of Arts at UBC. I'm thinking it would be nice to have some support and perhaps some garden design help from UBC's own Botanical Garden. Does anybody know of resources for us in our quest for help and support? The deal is that we will need to present a garden proposal to the University, and we'll need to document the sustainability of the garden and show how the garden fits in with the University's development goals. Is there somebody out there who could help us? Anybody out there with community garden experience? Cheers! -- Tim
Tim, We certainly stand behind the development of community gardens. They have the potential to benefit people nutritionally, physically, socially and culturally, and the environmental benefits are far-reaching. UBC Botanical Garden doesn't have specific materials relating to the development of such gardens (but see this link to the City of Vancouver's Community Services web site); however, we have staff who have expertise in growing all kinds of plants, including those for food and enjoyment. Please contact us directly to see what we can provide.