I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good source for a few different plants? I'm hoping to pick up a few of the following from my plant hit list: Selenicereus anthonyanus Curcuma australasica Paphiopedilum sp (variegated varieties like Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum x sukhakulii) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Fiesta' or 'Got Your Back' or 'Luminesce' Plumeria sp (Any recommendations other than Hawaiian Botanicals? I haven't had issues with them just curious what else may be out there) Zingiber malaysianum 'Midnight' Any and all help in my quest is much appreciated! :)
I've not dealt with Flora Exotica before so this is not exactly a recommendation but they appear to have some plumeria available: Flora Exotica - Exotic Flowers - Plumeria.