Looking for pereskiopsis

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by charliewood, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. charliewood

    charliewood Member

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    Vancouver Island
    Hi everyone!
    Im looking for pereskiopsis plants for doing cuttings of small globular cacti - there are very few people who sell these plants in Canada, and I just made an order with the one I could find... and got ripped off basically - he sent them.. but they were screwed up so bad I dont know how many will survive ... broken and basically unsalvageable for the most part...
    Im looking for either p.sapthulata, p.porteii, or p.velutina... Ive had success with all three varieties in the past..
    I have some things to trade - or I would consider buying if possible.... whichever is the best solution ....
    Please help a member out,,,, Thanks kindly in advance

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