I'm looking for native Canadian seeds (must be seeds), does anyone know a good source? Specifically: oplopanax horridus - devil's club Symplocarpus foetidus - skunk cabbage lysichiton amerianus - yellow skunk cabbage juglans cinerea - butternut Thanks
Often at the park visitor center - in the gift shop - you’ll find pkg of seeds - any park that has a gift shop - usually the national parks in Canada I assume you have already experienced devils club? My other idea is look for land being cleared and ask the contractor if you can dig some of the plants
Yes I'm very familiar with devil's club and I did find it (finally) through Van Dusen but no luck so far on the other items.....I might just have to wait and try and gather the yellow skunk cabbage later in the season. For the eastern skunk cabbage I've been contacting eastern garden centers and native plant nurseries but again, no luck.