Hi there trying to locate the below plants Willing to pay to have them shipped Looking for ones that are grafted or of flower producing age Looking for any sources in Canada Hi there trying to source some tropical plants anyone have any ideas Strongylodon macrobotrys Australian firewheel Stenocarpus sinuatus Mucuna bennettii red jade vine Mucuna pruriens Camptosema grandiflora michelia champaca alba Michelia champaca joy perfume Portlandia grandiflora - tree lily ivory Erythrina Variegata Orientalis
Check with Flora Exotica for Michelia champaca: Flora Exotica - Exotic Flowers - Indoor Magnolia, Champace.
Thank you allready have the list in with Perry He is going to let me know in May but he isn’t sure yet
Perry (flora exotia in Quebec) thinks he might be able to get he is letting me know in early May I wish availability if some of these things was better here ... in the us you can get almost anything
Allan Gardens Conservatory in Toronto has this plant. Perhaps seed or cuttings can be obtained from them via Garden to Garden channels. Allan Gardens - Wikipedia
I was there in February never thought of asking for a cutting do they actually do that? I’ll reach out to them
Well I doubt they would do that for the general public but it wouldn't hurt to ask. However they may be more receptive if it's another botanical garden making the request.
Did you have any luck in approaching Allan Gardens? By the way, where do you intend to grow these plants? I had considered growing champaca at one time but they are large trees so I ended up growing Michelia figo instead.
Not yet I’m in London so have to head up to Toronto They would be indoor I had a Michelia champaca and Alba but I overwatered through the winter I don’t think they grow super fast at least mine didn’t they did well in pots which I brought in in the winter
I thought Magnolia/Michelia figo would be fairly easy to get as it's readily available here in Vancouver. Perhaps it's because we're close to the grower.
Check with Phoenix Perennials. You may also want to contact Piroche Plants (Welcome to Piroche Plants, We grow many unusual plants like Michelia, Manglietia.), the wholesale nursery that produces these plants; they may be able to locate a retailer closer to you.