Looking for Arum dioscoridis

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by daisymozzy, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. daisymozzy

    daisymozzy Member

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    I've been looking for a tuber of Arum dioscoridis, a native plant to the Taurus mountains of Turkey and the Mediterranean.
    More info: Arum dioscoridis
    Although the leaves are toxic if eaten raw, it is easly neuteralized by cooking, drying or fermenting. I have family recipies that I would like to make with this plant, but of course it has been challenging to find it.
    I've contacted http://www.hillkeep.ca/bulbs%20arum.htm
    As they seem to have it, but haven't heard anything for a few months.
    Any other suggestions? Anyone who may have come across this tuber, cultivates it, is remotely interested by any chance?
    Would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

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