I cant remember the name of the plant. I'm looking for a plant that my husband's mother favorite plant and she grew up with. I will try my best to describe the plant: The leaf: it curl up first as it sprout but it will uncurl and it open up, then the leaf will open up. Color: It is green and/or dark green. My head keeps telling me it a Wood Fern or something like that but cant find it in the internet. I did saw it at the store but it was long time ago. (like 5 or 6 years ago). It's fun to watch as the leaf uncurl and open up the leaf to make a pretty leaf. It looks like a fern leaf shape to me when I saw it. Do know what it is?
Nooo... it more like a ring curl at the beginning and when its roll out slowly, the leave start to grow out and form a leave. I wish I can find a picture of it but the picture is in my head.
Is this a houseplant or something in the garden? Try this link. http://www.google.com/search?q=bost...58e6168b0&q=fern+fiddlehead&tbm=isch&imgdii=_
Nooooo... it more like dark green color I believe. When its uncurl out, the side of the stem grow little leaf on both side and to look like a fern type as they grow. Ok, it almost like a catarpiller upside down and the legs stick out when the new leaf grows. Im trying my best to get a picture in my head. ha ha ha... Thanks for trying to help me. I'm not giving up.