I have a mango tree about a foot high and the leaves look healthy and bright lime green - it's in a pot right now, just wondering how I should take care of it and is it possible to grow one in mid Vancouver Island?
Sorry, these are strictly tropical and not suitable for outdoor cultivation at this latitude. You will have to try it as a house or greenhouse plant with warm temperatures and bright light.
Mango will thrive in tropic or subtropic climate....this means that it doesn't tolerate frost or very light frost (30°F), but it needs high daily temperature.
I grew a Julie Mango from a seed acquired on St. Vincent in the Caribbean. It took about 6 month for it to germinate and then it grew well for 2 years before it just up and died for no apparent reason early in the spring of 2014. I then bought a mango tree during a local exotic plant sale last year. This little tree was about 30" tall and it flowered during last summer and then PRODUCED fruit. I got one 4" mango off it last winter and then it too up and died for no apparent reason early this year. I'm suspecting something missing in the requirements for this particular tree as none of my other exotic tropicals have any issues with the heat/lighting etc. that they receive during overwintering (they all spend the summer outside either in the yard or in a hothouse and then winter in our "plant room" - set up specifically for exotics).
Timing suggests they are being done in by winter conditions. This is a tree that grows in full sun in places like Honolulu.