Getting my first linearilobum JM's (thanks Sam!). Do these seem to follow the same "morning sun/afternoon shade" requirements. Are they in your experience more or less sun tolerant than the average JM thanks in advance
paxi, I find the morning sun/hot afternnon shade agood rule for almost all my JM's so no different for linearlobums. I have many linearlobums in full most-of-the-day sun, but I would be careful putting a new one into full sun until it got acclimated. I love linearlobums so I know you'll have a great time with yours. Good luck.
Mine are in morning sun only and look great all the time--both those in the ground and in containers. That is not true for all other types, so these may be more tolerant than others, I don't know. The small leaf surface area may make them less prone to leaf burn.
i have buy Villa Taranto,some years ago ,that i planted in partial shade for every day the problem is the hot wind ,that burned the margins leaves.... p.s. paxi where is your USDA zone?
My red linearilobums also seem to tolerate sun much more than green ones, like with many other JMs. I've got several linears and they tolerate sun in the following order (from most to least): Beni ubi gohan, Beni otake, Villa taranto, Koto no ito. The two Benis seem to be very sun tolerant, and I think they could grow in full sun if in good soil and well watered.
I love my Koto No Ito. It seems happy in morning sun. maples/May2008163Custom.jpg maples/May2008166Custom.jpg