Limp streptocarpus

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by soccerdad, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. soccerdad

    soccerdad Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Dunbar area
    I have a few streptocarpuses (streptocarpi?) that I grew from seeds a few years ago. The leaves of one of them have been getting more and more limp over the last few months, and are now totally limp. I give then adequate light and fertilizer and water. Does anyone recognize this problem?
  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Treat your Streptocarpus generally like an African violet. Make sure the soil is not too heavy, or the pot too large. You need to have really good drainage, adding Perlite can help. Streps hate to be constantly wet but can go dry if there is good humidity. If dry too long, the plants leaves can become limp just like it would if it were overwatered.
    Keep out of bright direct sun.

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