Lime tree shedding leaves

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Starfire, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Starfire

    Starfire Member

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    Hello all,im new to this forum.I have a lime tree in my conservatory.It has started dropping leaves.It has fruits.The conservatory has background heat at remains in the brought pot.Should i repot into a more suitable compost.Any help apprecieated.
  2. ciscx85

    ciscx85 Member

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    Did you transplanted the tree resently? Cause most the time things like transplanting and moving about can cause a tree to go through shock which makes it fall its leaves or perhaps its just because its bareing fruit which uses up a lot of the tree's reserves. does the tree looks over loaded with lime? THe main thing to cause leaves to shed is shock. if its that then just try to compact the soil above the roots a bit. This might work....

    I hope this helps you...
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    Starfire, From the information that you have given concerning your Lime tree, an educated response cannot be given. Of all citrus cultivars, Limes are the most sensitive to low temperatures. What do you mean by the term "The conservatory has background heat?" What is the night time temperature that the Lime tree is subject to? Is the tree setting in direct sunlight? Is the container also setting in direct sunlight? What is the temperature of the growth medium (soil)? Lastly, the problem that your tree is experiencing is very common, especially at this time of the year. There are a lot of good recommendations given in the postings of this site. A search of this citrus site will give you all the information you will require to correct the situation. However, if you will answer the questions that I have asked, I will be very happy to help. Regards, - Millet

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