Hello - I planted this lime tree 3 years ago and didn't really give it any pruning attention. Overall, it looks healthy with a nice green and lush foliage. However, it hasn't given me any fruit except the first year when I had a few limes. I'm worried I have suckers near the root that I should have pruned a long time ago. Can anyone give me advice on what to do? Thanks, Barry
Welcome to the forums. The bark of four of the stems have a difference in appearance to the the one in the middle. I suspect they're growth from the rootstock. As well there appears to be some trifoliate leaves on one of the 'green' stems as can be seen in the last photo. Do all the side stems have trifoliate leaves? If so, I would prune them away as they are growing to the detriment of the scion.
Thanks for the advice. Looks like I will need to do some heavy pruning. Since I will be removing about 80% of the green foliage in the process,would it be best to do it all at once or in stages?
I would remove them all in one go. Have you confirmed that all stems, except for one, have trifoliate leaves?