Hi everyone, These are my young poppy plants. They were late to sprout (sowed them early May) and I have never grown them before; therefore I don't know a lot about them. The leaves have a unique color that doesn't look healthy. As the title suggests, they are lime-green in color. Attached are some recent pics. I appreciate anyone's opinion/answer as to if they are healthy or not. Thank you.
Opium poppy is an annual with limited roots, better sown directly in its final position than grown in pots and transplanted. Garden centers here sell it in pots and the plants are always spindly unless bought and planted out soon after being presented - by now these offerings are coming into flower in the pots - as are plants in the ground. A certain number of flowers is produced and then becomes the characteristic fat opium-producing pods, after which the plant is spent. I am not sure plants this small this late will amount to much, but all you can do is carefully plant them out in a sunny, well-drained position and see what happens.
If it's that form - there are many others, including some frilly doubles that are pretty common and recur from seed.