Lily Diseases

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by LilyCrazed, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. LilyCrazed

    LilyCrazed Member

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    Lower Mainland, British Columbia
    I have several lilies in pots on my small balcony. My problem is aphids. I have tried everything (Safer's, dish soap and water in a sprayer, pulling them off by hand) short of ripping them all out & burning them to get rid of the little green pests. They even show up in the spring as the plants are newly pushing out of the soil. (A colony in the soil, perhaps?) I will be trying a chemical-free program next spring using Aphid Chase, a pheremone said to work in getting rid of aphids.

    Because of this severe infestation, several of my plants, if not all, have been infected with the Cucumber Mosaic Virus that is carried by the aphids (from what I've gathered in research I've been doing). The leaves, stalks and flower buds all grow distorted and the flowers sometimes won't even open. I've been tending & nurturing some of these for a few years and really do not want to have to dig up the bulbs and destroy them.

    I found a website some time ago that listed a curing regiment for ridding the bulbs of the virus but I cannot find it again. I wish to know if anyone here has any information on how I can possibly kill the virus and come out of this with healthy bulbs for next spring.

    I also have a pot of Stargazers that have grown stunted. I do know this is due to some kind of mold or blight but I'm no sure what that is either. Information for this would be greatly appreciated as well.

    (Picture included shows plant deformities. Lily is Asiatic-hybrid type.)

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