I planted lilacs three seasons ago, but it has never flowered. The tree has gotten pretty large. Someone told me to use lime, so I did. I dug out a little dirt next to the tree and put the lime directly in, then watered. I don't remember if I did that last fall or in the spring. I didn't get flowers this year either.
Lilac can take sometimes a few yrs to bloom. Its the middle # in fertilizer (Phophorus) that relates to blooming. It should be higher than the first. Every yr, I take a bucket of hard wood ash from the stove and put it around the drip line of the plant. I get great blooms on 40 yr old plants. Here's a good link. If you scroll to the bottom, there is a list of reasons why they don't bloom. http://lilacs.freeservers.com/lilac_tips.html
If you started with a small plant after three years it may actually still be too small. Sample your soil and have it tested before pouring on strong nutrient sources like high phosphorus fertilizers. http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.c...q=soil+testing&btnG=Search&sitesearch=uaf.edu
We get that question all the time at our master gardener clinics. Most of the ones that don't bloom don't get enough sun or heat.