I am the only person I know that cannot grow lilacs. I have had a shrub for 5 yr that has only had one flower on it and that was last year. It seems to be growing, lots of leaves, but, I do notice that the oldest branches die back on their own each year. What can I do? It is planted in a front island with some other shrubs and flowers which do well. It faces North and in new york, everything is part shade.
I think that might be your problem. Lilacs placed in anything other than full sun don't put on a good performance.
but, no one here has a problem but me. Perhaps, I should test the soil, but some sites say acidic and others say alkaline for lilacs
Everyone else around you is growing lilacs in part shade? Full sun is best, increasing % of shade will result in declining performance. Lilacs are not very picky about soil but alkaline seems to work for them here. They grow wild here on very shallow limestone soils in full sun, experience long dry spells every summer, and flower wonderfully. Neglect seems to be one of the best tools for lilac success.
Absolutely right!! Far too many books get this wrong and tell you to prune them. Pruning a lilac usually stops it from flowering for around 7 years.