I have been growing lettuce during the winter here for the past couple years, but this year many of my plants just seem to melt. I go out one day and all the plants are fine, then a couple days later I go out and several of the plants are totally dead brown and mushy. What is the problem and what can I do? Skeet
Sounds like a soil borne disease thriving in ideal conditions. Have your winter conditions this year been warmer than past years (especially night temperatures)? Have you planted your lettuce in the same garden plot as in previous years? Hard to do much about the temperature but crop rotation is critical, especially when you don't get long duration freezing temperatures to kill off many of the pathogens. Simon
Thanks Simon, We have had a warm winter with only a couple cold nights --most have been in the 50's--and I did plant the in the same location. I will definitly move them next yr. Skeet
One other thing. I live in N Florida and grow my lettuce in pots. I can replace the soil when necessary and keeping them off the ground prevents critters from getting to them. Works good.
Thanks Moe, I do have a few plants in pots and they have not had any wilt problems. Also, it has helped avoid another big problem I have had with lettuce-- the heavy rains just beat the ones in the ground to pieces, but the pot can be put under the patio roof. Next year I will put all my lettuce in pots. Skeet