For the last few months I have noticed the leaves on my lemon tree turn yellow. Some have rusty edges, some white or yellow spots and some leaves are totally yellow and rusty. I have tried using fertilizers every other month. What could be the problem and can it be treated? thanks Refaat
a picture might be helpfull to show what is going on. what type of fert are you using and the tinny spots of yellow and white can you see any insects could be on top or under the leaves.
Without a picture, it is impossible to know. As JUST A GUESS, if this has been happening only for the last month or so, they might be just old leaves that the tree is discarding. This is normally the time of year for a lot of old leaf drop. But again without a picture, no one can be certain of the cause. The chances of my guess being correct, is about the same as my guess being wrong. - Millet (1,405-)
I am attaching 4 pictures for the problems that I have on my Lemon Tree. Hope they are clear for your viewing. Thanks
have you recently pressure washed you're house with bleach or another chemical. the yellowing looks like chemical damage to me not real sure about the second pic. course millet will prob be able to help more on this