I have a lemon tree growing in a pot inside. It is about 2 years old and about 3 feet tall. The tree has been completely healthy up until recently. It suddenly started to lose PERFECTLY GREEN leaves. I thought it might just be shedding some leaves for winter, but they just kept on falling off, more and more each day. The tips of some branches now seem to be dying. I have no idea what to do or why this is happening. Please help!!
Two possibilities: 1. WLD (Winter Leaf Drop) Many, many threads on this forum explains WLD and what to do to correct the leaf fall. Use the search function on this site and you will find out all you need. 2. Growth medium has compacted to the point that the medium has lost it porosity and no longer holds enough oxygen. Plus the compacted medium now hold too much water. The better chance of the tree's problem is WLD, especially if the tree is setting in front of a southern window. Millet
i also have an orange tree and the same thing is starting to happen. the leaves are starting to die from the inside out. once again, the leaves are all green and healthy looking, and the part that hold the leaf to the branch is also green. after the last post, i replanted the trees in fresh soil (the soil hadn't been changed for probably a little over a year) and wrapped christmas lights around the pots to keep the soil warm. i also just recently noticed that there are little tiny bugs living on both my lemon and orange tree. they live on webs but they're too small to actually tell if they ARE spiders. i bring this up because could they be eating the leaf off the tree? i also use a multi purpose miracle gro fertilizer once a week. it's never been a problem before, but could it be? i'm trying to thing of some possible reasons for what is happening.
The webs and tiny speck of dust size mites are spider mites, you need to spray it with something to kill them i use neem oil dissolved in water, most use horticultural oil both work, you need to spray it everywere, in every gap between the branches and leaves , both sides of each leaf and branch, normaly all you can see is tiny build ups of webs, if you look hard you can see black dots that move you can not see they look like spiders, they are too small, the way to tell is to wipe a tissue on and they will smear on the cloth, you will see the squished mites The leaf drop may not be down to the mites, but it will not help and can cause leaf drop, leaf drop is probably winter leaf drop, just make sure the compost drys out as it is loosing leaves, as it wont need much water Check the root temperature, if its low you will loose leaves unless the plant is in a dull place, especialy if the room is warm and dry