Lemon Tree dying 35 years old

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Sue Anderson, May 13, 2007.

  1. Sue Anderson

    Sue Anderson Member

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    Lexington, KY USA
    35 years ago I pushed a seed from a grocery lemon into a pot on my window sill. The resulting potted tree has moved with us to 4 different states (Kentucky the last 7 years) and at about 6-7 years old began producing lemons. It has been used, abused, neglected and loved but about two years ago went into production overdrive, became infested with scale last year (which seems to be under control now) and this past winter, while wintering inside the leaves began to curl and drop. We decided it was the new improved moisture retaining potting soil we had used. In desperation we moved it outside, out of its pot and into the soil this spring, hoping that natural bacteria and drainage would help. It continues to drop leaves and shows no sign of new growth. Is there anything else we can do? What is the life expectancy of a lemon tree? Thanks.
  2. Pebbles

    Pebbles Member

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    Santa Barbara, CA
    I have the same problems with a 30 yr old lemon tree. Did you get any answers??
  3. Sue Anderson

    Sue Anderson Member

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    Lexington, KY USA
    Pebbles, No, I never received a reply - until yours, but I do have good news. Last summer after moving it out of the pot into the soil in a sunny spot outside, the lemon tree dropped all but about 5 leaves. Then it sat, and sat and sat with those five sad little drooping leaves. Towards fall, it began to put out buds and then leaves and finally even bloomed. Before first frost, we dug it up and repotted it in a mix of soil, peat moss and sand and brought it inside. It has continued to thrive, but it is about 1/3 of its former size because we had to prune out many dead branches. We have now moved it back outside in its pot to the deck. I think the health crisis was a result of not recognizing the curling leaves as a response to the scale, and then over watering and using that commercial potting soil with the water holding properties that caused root rot. Brad has used All Seasons Spray Oil by Bonide and Insect Killing Soap, Safer (Brand) to control the scale. The stuff smells bad, so it is good if you can move your plants outside to treat them - take advantage of the warm weather. Treat the scale agressively and make sure that you have a good well draining soil. Our tree isn't as pretty as she used to be but then neither am I. I'm hoping for blooms and lemons by fall. She is 35 years and counting.
  4. Gardenlover

    Gardenlover Active Member

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    Southern Ontario, Canada Zone 6a
    I never use potting soil. Stuff holds onto water too much. It is not helping your lemon tree.

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