This is my first post, and I'd appreciate some advise. I received a four-foot high Meyer lemon tree as a gift in June. So far, I have had wonderful success. In fact, I am concerned that my tree is doing too well. Currently my small lemon tree has at least a dozen lemons (the largest being about an inch and a half in diameter) and at least 30 blossoms or buds that have not opened. Should I be cutting off some of the fruit so that I am left with 6-8 lemons that will grow to be full-size? I'm concerned that if I leave the tree alone, my lemons won't be able to grow to full size and I'll end up with 40 pieces of fruit that are pea- to golf ball-size and too small to be of any use.
Your tree will drop any fruit it cannot support, but you can remove fruit if you want--you may get slightly larger fruit as a result of thinning, but in general it is not necessary to thin citrus. There are some varieties that are prone to alternate yr bearing where thinning will help even out production--mostly mandarins.