Hi everyone,hope you're all well. Now,I have long been interested in plants and how they work,and god knows I wish I could have studied botany when I left school. But that was a long time ago,and now I got 2 kids etc,but I still have the urge to learn. I'm fascinated by how plants work,why some leaves are a certain shape,have tiny hairs and strange coloured parts etc. I cant afford,or have the time,to go to college,and i'm not after a degree or anything like that,I just have a thirst for knowledge. I read a book called Botany For Gardeners a while ago,a fantastic book, but thats as far as my lending library goes as far as botany is concerned and so I was wondering if there were any specific web sites,apart from this one, that would quench my thirst as it were.(I'm learning about conifers at the mo,and finding it intriguing and a bit hard to get my head round!) Hope you can help,many thanks,Larry.
greenlarry try starting here http://waynesword.palomar.edu/worthypl.htm or through Kew.org Plants and peoples at Texas A&M http://botany.cs.tamu.edu/FLORA/Wilson/pp/f03/ppsyl.htm Plants and peoples at UC Davis http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/gepts/pb143/pb143.htm other than that you can waste a lot of time just surfing to see what is out there in the jungle of a WWW hope this is a start Pierrot